Mayhaps, just mayhaps, one or two people will read this, or won't, I really don't care, I have no readers at all, for long ago I was forgotten and forbidden, the passing of eons carved unto my soul deep marks of wasting winds, despite and betrayal hath entered my kingdom, for I allowed them to, for pain and grief have grown deeply into my withered soul, otherwise, I just would have grown strong and proud, however I just allow many people to enter my soul, my temple, and in disguises of kindness, in disguises of friendly and humility, but, Lo! how they hurt me for I allowed them, this is the declaration of a long fogotten ghost, the simple mourning of pain woe after woe, I rise among the decadent pain of solitude, growing in fears and misantrophy, This is the declaration of a Long Forgotten Ghost, this is just the crying in silence, for I know no-one will hear or listen to it, this is just the melancholic episode of everyday, Today I mourn, alone, as always, as usual, by my hand, and by the hand of my own, for others were just allowed to enter and defeat my stronghold, This is me, saying sad words of mourning essence to the silent wind, the silver tears of the moon fall in an attempt to drown my sorrow, in a kind attempt to release me from this pain, Pain by the way I have chosen to suffer, This is the declaration of A long Forgotten Ghost, the declaration of grief dependence, of solitude dependence, I have tried to touch the summit of apparent beauty, but it is just a mirage, I have tried to reach the love of unworthy ones, but it is just a mirage in black mirror waters, for to a long forgotten ghost, the oblivion is just the abide, I want to cry no more in silence, mayhaps to cry along with a solitary companion, who doesn't care to share solitude with me, but it is to demand too much from the destiny, MY DESTINY, this is the declaration of a long forgotten Ghost, a Long Forbidden being, a Long long long Banned Ghost, I learnt to sleep alone every night of my life, yet I shared mine, but, again, it was just the foetous disguise of demise, the cold arms of Oblivion once agan took me to the place where I belong, to the silence of nothingness. THIS IS THE DECLARATION OF A LONG FORGOTTEN GHOST, a Long forgotten soul, withered and dying, only alive and living thanks to the cacophony of sweet dismal symphonies in silence, This is the silent mourning of nothing, for no-one will listen, no -one will care, for, although I complain, This is just a silent and forgotten declaration of a shadow, a ghost lost in memories of unworthy ones...